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Word of the Day: Misophonia

Today’s word is quite interesting, misophonia. The word itself is a noun. Misophonia is a condition where one or more common sounds (like a clock ticking) cause an atypical emotional response (like disgust, anger or panic) in the person hearing the sound. It is sometimes called Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome.

People who suffer from this condition must hate buffets where other people are ingurgitating their food, since many people that have the disorder say they are most triggered by oral sounds i.e the noise people make when they eat or chew, and even breathe! Can you imagine everyday noises giving you the collywobbles?


Other people might perceive these responses as unreasonable given the circumstance, but those who suffer from misophonia describe it as being driven crazy by the sound. Their reactions can range from annoyance or anger to panic.


As with all disorders, it ranges from mild to severe. Mild cases may only feel anxious, uncomfortable, the urge to flee or absquatulate, or disgust. The more severe cases may feel rage, hatred, panic, fear or emotional distress.


This is a lifelong condition and the age of onset is unknown. However, some people report symptoms between the ages of 9-13. It appears to be more common in girls and comes on quickly.


Use it in a sentence!

My friend has misophonia and hates the sound of people chewing while they eat!


But where did it come from?

The first known use of the word misophonia was in 2001.

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