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Word of the Day: Misnomer

Today’s word of the day is misnomer. The word misnomer is a noun. It is the inaccurate name or wrong use of a name or term. Have you ever...

Word of the Day: Misogyny

Today’s word of the day is misogyny. Misogny is noun that means hatred of women. A man who hates women is called a misogynist. Use it in...

Word of the Day: Groak

Today’s word of the day is groak! Groak is a verb. It means to look or stare at longingly. Plainly, it refers to the act of staring at...

Word of the Day: Kittywampus

Today’s word of the day is Kittywampus. Kittywampus is an adjective. It is a slang term for cattywampus, and it means disorganized or...

Word of the Day: Malinger

Today’s word of the day is “malinger”. Malinger is a verb. It means to exaggerate or feign illness in order to escape duty or work. Its...

Word of the Day: Gubbins

Today’s word of the day is gubbins. Gubbins is a noun that literally means a collection of objects that are not important. Primarily...

Word of the Day: Gardyloo

Todays word of the day is gardyloo! Gardyloo is an interjection. It was used to warn people who were passing by of waste that was about...

Word of the Day: Fast

As many people celebrate the lenten season, and that season has started as of today, today's word of the day is fast. Fast can be used as...

Word of The Day: Malarkey

Today's word of the day might be familiar to most people. It's malarkey! Malarkey is a noun that means nonsense, or meaningless talk....

Daily Digestibles: Blog2
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