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Word of the Day: Pique

Today’s word of the day is pique. This looks similar to Friday’s word of the day, piquant. The word pique can be used both as a noun and...

Word of the Day: Piquant

Today’s word of the day is piquant. Never heard it? The word piquant is an adjective with two meanings. The first meaning is having a...

Word of the Day: Bounder

Happy July! Today’s word of the day is bounder. The word bounder is noun and refers to a dishonorable man. This is similar to the word...

Word of the Day: Dumbfound

Today’s word of the day is dumbfound. The word dumbfound is a verb. It means to greatly astonish someone. People who watch other people...

Word of the Day: Father

Happy Father’s Day! Naturally, our word of the day today is father. The word father is a noun which, like the word mother, has more than...

Word of the Day: Misandry

Last month we had misogyny as one of our words of the day. Today’s word of the day is misandry. The word misandry is a noun that means...

Word of the Day: Rogue

Happy June! To start the month off, our word of the day today is rogue. The word rogue is a noun. There are actually three definitions...

Word of the Day: Litany

Today’s word of the day is litany. The word litany is a noun with two slightly similar meanings. The first meaning is that it is a series...

Word of the Day: Fudgel

Today’s word of the day is fudgel. Fudgel is an old term that means pretending to work when you are not actually doing anything at all....

Word of the Day: Indolent

Today’s word of the day is indolent. The word indolent is an adjective. It means lazy. People who are indolent might like to lollygag a...

Word of the Day: Snotter

Today’s word of the day is snotter. The word snotter can be used as either a noun or a verb. As a noun, snotter refers to a piece or drop...

Word of the Day: Mother

As you might have guessed, today’s word of the day is mother! The word mother is a noun that has three main definitions. The first is...

Word of the Day: Gnome

Today’s word of the day is gnome. The word gnome is a noun. A gnome is an imaginary creature that is tiny like a man. This creature is...

Word of the Day: Crapulous

Today’s word of the day is crapulous! Crapulous is a literary adjective. It relates to the drinking of alcohol or drunkenness. You might...

Word of the Day: Whinge

Today’s word of the day is whinge. Whinge is a verb. It means to complain persistently and irritably. A person who whinges is called a...

Daily Digestibles: Blog2
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